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Guide to Online Sources: Primary sources

Even in the best of times so much of our lives is online, this includes research! This LibGuide will lead you to great places to find all types of sources online.

Primary sources

This page will help you find primary sources online. Primary sources are documents and artifacts created at the time of the historical event you are studying.

Databases: General

Databases are paid subscriptions. To access these resources you will have to use a link from a LibGuide, Canvas page or provided by your teacher or one of the librarians. You will be asked to login through our proxy server to use databases.

Open Web Sources

Sources can be found on the open web. These are typically free and do not require you to login. You need to be careful about the reliability of sources on the open web. If we recommend a site to you then we have determined it to be reliable. If you find it on your own, please check with your teacher or librarian to verify that it is reliable.